Course: Network Programmability with SecureCRT + Python (Spanish)
NOTE: No English version available.
It fills me with great pride and pleasure to present my online course in Spanish, published on Udemy: Network Programmability with SecureCRT + Python.

** Click on the image to see the Course **
If you are reading this today it is because you made the decision to continue growing and to follow one of several paths that will make you a Next Generation Network Engineer or also known as a Hybrid Network Engineer.
In case you did not know, SecureCRT is a solution that offers a lot of help to Network Engineers in terms of efficiency, when managing and operating a network. The set of tools that it brings allow us to streamline and automate tedious and repetitive tasks.
For those of us who still operate networks through the CLI or Command Line, SecureCRT offers us an excellent opportunity to introduce ourselves with Network Programmability and Automation. Not all devices in today’s networks support programmable interfaces and sometimes even if they do, they do not have SDN platforms that allow applying Programmability to networks.
With SecureCRT routine configuration or verification tasks can be automated or run programmatically using powerful scripting capabilities in programming languages such as Python.
Get ready, because with SecureCRT + Python a new world of possibilities and facilities will open up for you.
What you will learn in this Course
During this course we are going to walk an interesting path towards network programmability that will start first with an introduction to what SecureCRT is and its set of tools.
- We will learn how to initiate quick connections with the Quick Connect tool.
- We will organize and save predefined sessions to connect to our network devices with just a double click.
- We will configure our sessions to record all our commands and outputs using the Logging Session and Raw Logging tools.
- We will learn to take advantage of the ability to open multiple session tabs in the same window and send simultaneous commands to all sessions using the Command Window tool.
- To avoid having to remember or write long commands, we will learn to save them and make use of them with two clicks using the Command Manager.
Once the most important SecureCRT tools have been introduced, we will move on to the central topic of the course.
- We will learn Python scripting for SecureCRT and create applications that allow us to execute complex processes in a faster and more secure way.
- Finally we will study and test multiple scripts that you can use immediately in your day-to-day work.
See the Course: Programabilidad de Redes con SecureCRT + Python (Español)